Approved By: Tourism council of Bhutan
Under Ministry of Economic Affairs of Bhutan
Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government. The reigning monarch is Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. The current Prime Minister of Bhutan is Tshering Tobgay, the leader of the People’s Democratic Party. Buddhism is deeply engraved in the soul of the country and is driven with interesting cultural beliefs. The prosperity of the country is measured in terms of Gross National Happiness. The King of Bhutan is known as the “Dragon King”. Bhutan is also notable for pioneering the concept of gross national happiness
The independent country Bhutan has endured for centuries and the territory was never colonized in its history. By 1,500 BC people lived in Bhutan by herding animals but towards the 7th century AD Buddhism was introduced into Bhutan. So Buddhism has been an integral part of the culture of Bhutan. Then in 1616 Ngawang Namayal became spiritual leader of Bhutan and he took the title Zhabdrung Rinpoche. Under him Bhutan became a united country. Headed by a spiritual leader known as the Zhabdrung Rinpoche, the territory was composed of many fiefdoms and governed as a Buddhist theocracy. In 1907 Ugyen Wangchuk was elected king of Bhutan. Following a civil war in the 19th century, the House of Wangchuck reunited the country and established relations with the British Empire. Bhutan fostered a strategic partnership with India during the rise of Chinese communism and has a disputed border with the People’s Republic of China. Bhutan’s political development was heavily influenced by its religious history. King Jigme Singye Wangchuck transferred most of his administrative powers to the Council of Cabinet Ministers and allowing for impeachment of the King by a two-thirds majority of the National Assembly.In 2008, it transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy and held the first election to the National Assembly of Bhutan, that has a two party system characterizing Bhutanese democracy. In December 2005, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck announced that he would abdicate the throne in his son’s favour in 2008 so On 6 November 2008, 28-year-old Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, eldest son of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, was crowned King. The Druk Gyalpo (Dragon King) is the head of state and the political system grants universal suffrage. It consists of the National Council, an upper house with 25 elected members; and the National Assembly with 47 elected lawmakers from political parties.
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